Thursday, January 26, 2017

Latest Real Estate News - Market Update Manhattan - 4th Quarter 2016

Condos & CO-OPS Overview

A jittery and apprehensive market characterized the nal quarter of 2016, resulting from election anxiety; record-high prices that led to apprehension on the part of buyers; and a low supply of inventory at the lower price points.
Closed sales declined 12%, the average sales price increased 2% and the median sales price dropped 9%. Closed sales for the fourth quarter of 2016 totaled 3,173 compared to 3,606 during the same quarter of the prior year. The overall average sales price was $2,049,000, which represented just a 2% gain after exhibiting several periodsof double-digit increases. There have been some indications that the declining trends we began to see at the very top end of market prices have spread into other price segments.
The under $3mil market made up 83% of all sales activity and this segment had 13% fewer sales, a 2% drop in the average sale price, and a 3% decline in the median sale price. This is a sign of soft market conditions in the nal quarter of the year as prior periods posted gains in this price segment. Overall condo sale prices faired best despite having 22% fewer closed sales.
New construction closings helped keep statistical measures rising with a 13% increase in the average price and a 6% increase in the average price per square foot. In the $3mil to $10mil price bracket, prices were also down with an average sale price of $4,967,000, 2% lower than prior year.
The top price tier segment, units sold over $10mil, had mixed results with 41% more closings, an 8% increase in the average sale price and an 11% drop in the median sale price.

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